Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!!!  Aidan and Brandan got to sleep with the dolphins at the Vancouver Aquarium with Balding for Dollars.  That you Dan and Suzanne was hosting this fun event for the Oncology kids. 
Aidan had his last appointment at BCCH for 2012.  Next appointment Jan 18 2013. 
 His counts were great so we just keep on going.  YES Aidan ROCKS!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas in 1 week

December 18th you can't tell but we got snow today.  It was Aidan's monthly appointment at BCCH.  He got a dose of Vincristine....... hmmmm it went really well:even though he didn't take any Ondansetron(anti nausea meds)  We got to see Aidan's Oncologist Dr. Dix.  Everything has been going extremely well, so HAPPY!!!!!!! Yes Aidan doesn't look too impressed he hates me taking his picture.  Those are suppose to be Santa Claus hats on top of the cupcakes but my food coloring was NOT red.  ANYWAYS  we will find out if Aidans dosage of his other chemo pills will have to increase or not.  Aidan's neutraphils ANC have to stay between 1-2 if they go higher then they increase the 6mp  dosage if it goes lower than he stays off of the chemo until they go back up.  Still have 1 1/2 years that still feels like forever. Healthy that is all we want.  Keep going Aidan!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 2012 A whole lot of updating

I know it has been awhile since I have done a posting.  You know what they say "no news is good news"  Two thumbs up no issues at the Chin house mostly no issues with Aidan.  Top corner pic It was a  pretty quiet day when Aidan went to get his Lumbar puncture.  He wasn't able to eat before the procedure but afterwards he had a Nutella sandwich.   Simba the cat!  Aidan with Brandan and his friends Coby and Jordan.  Look how cute Aidan and Coby are sitting in the chair together, they were gaming and both wanted the same vantage point.  Aidan went to the Remembrance day ceremony with his Auntie Dee Dee,  she has taken him every year since he was very young.  Aidan tried to get in as much bicycle riding as possible, I think that was one of the last rides with Lynton and Eric.  I can't believe these kids only wear shorts.  Do they see the leaves on the ground it is cold outside.  Aidan is addicted to playing an online game called Minecraft so his cat Simba decided to see what all the fun was about.   Simba brought Aidan a mouse as a gift, it was still alive but i told Aidan to put a glove on and he took it outside to release it.  He actually wanted to keep the mouse and I said NO.

Teen Group through the Oncology clinic went to see the trees at The Four Season's hotel and then off to the Sutton Hotel for the Chocolate buffet.  While they were there the Doctor from Once upon a time showed up, Aidan was really happy about that.  
December 4th one of the girls from the Teen group, Autumn Rose has passed away from Leukemia.  She will be sadly missed by her fellow mates.  Seventeen is way to young..........When is the CURE going to be found????

Last weekend we got to attend the Christmas party with other Starlight Families at the Richmond Oval.  Wow what an impressive place. The boys got to make gingerbread houses, Arts and Crafts, Caricatures by an artist, basketball, skating and Eating.  Oh Santa was there too!  At the end of the night the kids got a bag full of GREAT goodies.  Thank You Starlight Foundation for making things better for our kids!!

Last note is that Aidan has joined a group called "Club for Cure" at Templeton High School.  They will be raising funds for Cancer research by doing Santa pictures for the students, also selling Calendars for Balding for Dollars.  

Aidan has been healthy healthy, all is good.  I have to take the kids to get their flu shots so that is on the agenda for tomorrow. Get the EMLA out.  Aidan and NEEDLES ........ a piece of cake.