Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!!!  Aidan and Brandan got to sleep with the dolphins at the Vancouver Aquarium with Balding for Dollars.  That you Dan and Suzanne was hosting this fun event for the Oncology kids. 
Aidan had his last appointment at BCCH for 2012.  Next appointment Jan 18 2013. 
 His counts were great so we just keep on going.  YES Aidan ROCKS!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas in 1 week

December 18th you can't tell but we got snow today.  It was Aidan's monthly appointment at BCCH.  He got a dose of Vincristine....... hmmmm it went really well:even though he didn't take any Ondansetron(anti nausea meds)  We got to see Aidan's Oncologist Dr. Dix.  Everything has been going extremely well, so HAPPY!!!!!!! Yes Aidan doesn't look too impressed he hates me taking his picture.  Those are suppose to be Santa Claus hats on top of the cupcakes but my food coloring was NOT red.  ANYWAYS  we will find out if Aidans dosage of his other chemo pills will have to increase or not.  Aidan's neutraphils ANC have to stay between 1-2 if they go higher then they increase the 6mp  dosage if it goes lower than he stays off of the chemo until they go back up.  Still have 1 1/2 years that still feels like forever. Healthy that is all we want.  Keep going Aidan!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 2012 A whole lot of updating

I know it has been awhile since I have done a posting.  You know what they say "no news is good news"  Two thumbs up no issues at the Chin house mostly no issues with Aidan.  Top corner pic It was a  pretty quiet day when Aidan went to get his Lumbar puncture.  He wasn't able to eat before the procedure but afterwards he had a Nutella sandwich.   Simba the cat!  Aidan with Brandan and his friends Coby and Jordan.  Look how cute Aidan and Coby are sitting in the chair together, they were gaming and both wanted the same vantage point.  Aidan went to the Remembrance day ceremony with his Auntie Dee Dee,  she has taken him every year since he was very young.  Aidan tried to get in as much bicycle riding as possible, I think that was one of the last rides with Lynton and Eric.  I can't believe these kids only wear shorts.  Do they see the leaves on the ground it is cold outside.  Aidan is addicted to playing an online game called Minecraft so his cat Simba decided to see what all the fun was about.   Simba brought Aidan a mouse as a gift, it was still alive but i told Aidan to put a glove on and he took it outside to release it.  He actually wanted to keep the mouse and I said NO.

Teen Group through the Oncology clinic went to see the trees at The Four Season's hotel and then off to the Sutton Hotel for the Chocolate buffet.  While they were there the Doctor from Once upon a time showed up, Aidan was really happy about that.  
December 4th one of the girls from the Teen group, Autumn Rose has passed away from Leukemia.  She will be sadly missed by her fellow mates.  Seventeen is way to young..........When is the CURE going to be found????

Last weekend we got to attend the Christmas party with other Starlight Families at the Richmond Oval.  Wow what an impressive place. The boys got to make gingerbread houses, Arts and Crafts, Caricatures by an artist, basketball, skating and Eating.  Oh Santa was there too!  At the end of the night the kids got a bag full of GREAT goodies.  Thank You Starlight Foundation for making things better for our kids!!

Last note is that Aidan has joined a group called "Club for Cure" at Templeton High School.  They will be raising funds for Cancer research by doing Santa pictures for the students, also selling Calendars for Balding for Dollars.  

Aidan has been healthy healthy, all is good.  I have to take the kids to get their flu shots so that is on the agenda for tomorrow. Get the EMLA out.  Aidan and NEEDLES ........ a piece of cake. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 2012

So happy to say nothing much is happening.  Aidan is still enjoying High school.
Next appointment will be October 23 at the hospital for a lumbar puncture.  UG it has been awhile since the last one and I now I feel like I have to get myself ready to watch my little Aidan lay on the table and get the procedure done.   He is under a general but is pretty sedated and sleeps for an hour or so afterwards.  Then it will be a pretty low key day for him.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


We got some GREAT news this week.  Brandan had submitted a picture that he had drawn of BCCH for the Balding for Dollars Kourageous Kalendar.   They called me today to say for sure his picture was picked but also to ask if they could use it for the cover.  We were ALL ecstatic!  We also found out that Brandan was near sited so here is our little Brandan with his brand new glasses

Grade 8-Templeton High School

Aidan has started High School this year.  He has been biking every day except once only because he had a fall off of his bike from a manhole near the school.  He got a pretty bad gash on his leg but instead of calling me to pick him up he whipped open his first aid kit and fixed himself up.   All of the kids that went to Elementary school with Aidan at Chief Maquinna had gone to Van Tech High.  Aidan was doing Templeton on his own but had a nice surprise to see a bunch of the kids that he went to school with him at Franklin and knew about his Leukemia were in a bunch of his classes.  He said that his favorite classes are Language Arts, Woodworking and Drama/film. 

Aidan said the other day that he was hanging out with a bunch of his friends and then some older kids walked by and said "hey you kids make sure you don't get into drugs"  Aidan had replied and said I take Chemotherapy drugs.   The boy had replied and said that isn't funny and there isn't such a thing.  Before Aidan was diagnosed I thought when people talked about Chemotherapy that it was radiation,  I think kids need to be more aware of Childhood cancers, what the symptoms are and what they have to go through.

Mission Race Ways 2012

Another event with The Starlight Foundation.  We went to Mission Raceways.  Aidan's uncle Dat who owns Pacific Riding School was there to give the kids a tour of the track and they got to see some of the riders race and there was LOTS of Pizza to be had

Real Haircut

One week before school starts and Aidan wasn't sure if he was going to cut his hair.  He had lost his hair twice now it had grown back full, wavy and with highlights.  Aidan was thinking about being Link from Zelda for Halloween so he wasn't sure he wanted to cut it.  BUT he was doing a lot of cycling and he was getting pretty sweaty.  We took him to see Linda to get his first REAL haircut in two years. What a cutie there was my little Aidan!

Monthly Hospital visit

Here is Aidan's Oncologist Dr. David Dix and an Intern  I think her name was Diana.  She was also there at Camp Goodtimes with Aidan.  On the left is Nurse Donna who had put the feed tube in Aidan when he had lost so much weight and needed some assistance.  She is very special to us and how she had made it so easy for Aidan during that time.
Every 3 months he has to get a lumbar puncture so the next one will be in October.  It is strange to say but taking him in is just normal routine life for us.

More Summer Time Fun

 Andres joined the family along with the Starlight foundation at the waterslide park in Richmond
 Aidan wanted to ride to Sciene World with his friends but I wanted to go for a trial run with him first.  We took the bike path down to Science World and then kept going to Granville Island.  Aidan got to have mommy time and I got to have Aidan time.  The ride was easy going there but the one hill coming back from Commercial drive to Victoria was a bit of a climber but we both made it home safe.
 We went to Surrey Museum to check out the Lego exhibit and then stop at Ikea for Meatballs and broccoli and cheese soup
Here is Aidan on Deer Lake with one of his BEST friends Saffron that he has know since he was 4 months old and she was 6 months.  They are like brother and sister.

What FANTASTIC weather we had this summer!  Sometimes it is nice to stay home and enjoy some cooling down.
 Our neighbours Katie and Jerry put a pool in their backyard and invited us to swim anytime.  Yes we took advantage of the chance to go for a swim.  Unfortunately we only made it over there once but it was TONS of fun!

Seattle 2012

The road trips continue....... From Calgary Aidan went with part of the family to Kelowna and then Osoyoos then back up to  Vancouver.  Unfortunately on there way back up  a Semi had flipped on the highway so it added another 7 hours onto their trip.  The crew finally got back to Vancouver Wednesday night at 11pm.  We left for Seattle on Thursday at 7:30AM.  The reason why we were doing the hard core trecking was because my sister in law Helen was going to be in Seattle  for a conference and my brother Stacy and his daughter Kristin were also coming along.  This was the first time in twelve years that the whole family has gotten together.  For those of you who don't know, Aidan's middle name is Stacy after his Uncle.  It was a quick trip we toured about Pike Market and of course ate, then some of us headed back to the hotel for some swimming.  We all got together for a BIG family dinner.  We were ALL REALLY HAPPY to see each other.
Friday the boys all went back home while all the women stayed in Seattle for SHOPPING. 
They went for Breakfast at the Marina Grill in North Vancouver.  Yes we are all about the EATING!

Calgary Bound 2012

Half way through summer and what better way then to go on Family road trip.  Aidan's grandparents Betty and Brian from Osoyoos and his Aunt Helen, Uncle Stephen, and cousin Grayson from Toronto joined in on our FUN!  We had two vans travelling to Calgary that also included Auntie Dee Dee, Uncle Cheez, Auntie Sue, Little brother Brandan and Mom(me)  The first leg of the trip was Sicamous, unfortunately there was a HUGE mud slide in July so the water was the nicest to look at.  The hotel supplied us drinking water and water for brushing our teeth, the weather was a bit unsettled so they didn't get to enjoy the pool.  On the saturday we stopped at the Last Spike and also Lake Louise then onwards to Cousin Perry's house for a BBQ with his wife Crystal and little cousin Chelsea.  We all stayed with Keith's brother Steve and his girlfriend Gita they were so fantastic to let us do the Asian invasion with them and have  a great time.  Sunday was a day at Drumheller, WOW what a cool place.  The kids made castings of different dinosaur parts.  Monday was Princess Island and a quick look see at Calgary.  We all got up really early to head back home but the boys tried to sneak an extra 10 mins on the lazy boy chairs
Nomads in Revelstoke is the best place for Fish and chips they also have soft serve ice cream with a huge variety of flavors. Two thumbs up!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Camp Goodtimes

HI it's me Aidan.  I had a really GREAT time and can't wait to go again next year.
I really do think that it is a SPECIAL place for Cancer survivors and fighters.  I went Kayaking, I played minute to win it, met new friends,  and saw old friends. 
When I first got there I was afraid I wasn't going to know anyone just like last year.  I saw some familiar faces and got very excited.  The friends were Dustin, Owen and Adian we shared the same cabin last year.  In this picture is Aubrey, Alex, Shane, Ben and Mitch they were my cabin mate, skips and leaders and training.
A bunch of us caught tadpoles and two toads but then we let them free. ( I wonder if Simba my cat would have liked to eat them).
As usual the food was GREAT!,  They had Casino night and I donated all the money that I won to Free the children.  My skip from last year, Adam is now a P.A. it is pretty cool that he is one of the group leaders.
That is all for now I am happy to be home.  When I got home my cousin Grayson from Toronto was here.  We are heading to Calgary on friday and stopping in Drumheller to check out the Dinosaurs.  will keep everyone posted.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Camp Goodtimes 2012

We dropped Aidan off on July 16 at Loon Lake for Camp Goodtimes.  he is getting checked over for lice.  As soon as we dropped  him off I already started missing him.  Have fun at camp my little one!
I know he is going to have so much fun, kayaking, archery, high ropes good friends, good food, swimming, Carnival night just a whole lot of fun.  I will post pics if Aidan took any pictures.  He will have MineCraft withdrawal because there are no electronics allowed.

Woodland Zoo-Seattle

July 13th Suzanna and I traveled to Seattle with Aidan and Brandan.  I only packed shorts and Tshirts, what a mistake it ended up being Thunder, Lightning and hail.  Luckily the weather was good on Saturday for the zoo just thunder which sounded like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.  The Park was great, lots of animals but we didn't get to see all of them. We will have to go again.

Blood Work

Well we went to Oak and 25th Biomed to get Nurse Anna but she wasn't in.  Drag we were right beside the Hospital we should have just gone there instead.  Aidan has come such a long way since the first time he had to get blood work.   He had to get his counts to see where he was because the Nelarabine had brought his counts down and he is off to camp.  Nurse Karen called and all his numbers were GOOD!


Its a video from the other day but I just wanted to add it to the batch

Friday, July 13, 2012

Balding for Dollars Quilts

Aidan had submitted an image to the Balding for Dollars Calendar.  He had the month of February.
On July 5 the Ladies from the Langley Quilters Group had donated quilts to all of the kids that had their images picked.  This is Aidan's  AMAZING  quilt he had received from Linda.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Our Cooking Teenager is back in the house.  He was over at his friend Linton's watching the FoodNetwork .  He came home and said " I want to make a crab for dinner!"  We went to T&T and I let him pick out the crab.  It was very fiesty, Aidan put it in the sink with some water but wasn't sure he was going to be able to cook it since it kept grabbing at him.  Anyways Aidan did get it happening and we had yummy crab for dinner and ate outside on the deck.  We still need a BBQ.  ( hoping my husband will read the blog and get right to it.)

kayaking at Deer Lake Park

We got the boys Kayaks for the summer.  The family went out to Deer Lake Park. 
It is so nice that summer is now upon us but it was a tad toasty outside so we actually waited until 5:30 before we had gone out.  I was surprised that there wasn't more people out on the lake but I was happy that there was room to row.   The boys had a great time, we might have to make another trip down to Osoyoos see my parents and Kayak on the lake down there.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Paul, Aidan and Brandan went camping up in Squamish.  Bit of snow still up there plus they were able to do a fire.  Fire ban soon on its way


Aidan's friends came by for a visit and happily he went along for a bicycle ride.


Aidan went in on July 3 for Vincrisine and also some blood work.   His counts are slowly coming up so the doctors are going to increase his chemo dosage.  He had  a week of Prednisone so we had a week of him complaining of itchiness and of course moodness.

Canada Day in Osoyoos

We got to watch the Cherry Fiesta Parade from the rooftop followed by ice cream and of course Fireworks.


We headed to Osoyoos for the start of the summer to go and visit Gong Gong and Poh Poh (Aidan and Brandan's grandparents)  Aidan is giving Poh Poh an IPAD tutorial.  We headed down to Haynes point for some fun in the sun.

That night around 6pm we got Hail, thunder and lightning. Aidan was trying to get a power surge.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Grade 7

June 21st 2012 Aidan's Grad Ceremony at Chief Maquinna Elementary.  The kids sang two songs that were inspiring.  One of Aidan's classmates, Vivian had an amazing voice, when I spoke with her mom she had no idea her daughter could sing like that.  Top right is Aidan's best friend Andres whom he has know since he was 5 years old.  It was nice to have them together for this moment.  In the fall Aidan will be going to Templeton and Andres and many of Aidans good buddies will be going to Van Tech.  Aidan won the Anne Hathorn award along side of Olivia Phelan for compassion and courage. 

This week was pretty intense, I really felt the teenager in Aidan came out. He was talking about wearing all camouflage and I nixed the idea, then i got hm this whole black attire but it was a fight to get him to tuck in his shirt.  I told him when he played the drums he could untuck it but he managed the whole time without having to untuck.  YIPPEEEE
One of the moms Nadine was hosting a party for the kids at her place afterwards, he had drum lessons and i didn't have time to give the two week notice so I told him that he still had to go.  He was MAD at me.  It worked out though because I let him have an hour and fifteen minutes at the party and then Andres came with us to the music class.  Afterwards Aidan had Teen Group at the hospital so we dropped Andres at home on the way up.  Extra time with his friend so that was a BONUS. 
Unfortunately Paul had to take a class that day so he wasn't able to attend.  It was really rough because the previous day they had a dress rehearsal and the speeches were about friends and everyone going their own way.   A bunch of these kids he has know since Kindergarten and he said that you spend so much time with them and soon it will be over.  He looked around and saw tears in some of his friends eyes, he held it in.  When he got home and I had to tell him that dad couldn't go to grad he broke down and cried.  He said things couldn't get any worse.  On the day of grad his Uncle Cheez came by to visit me and I asked him to come along to grad, that made Aidan happy to see him.  It turned out that Keith knew one of Aidan's friends Dad that was at the school .  YUp its is a small world.
These past weeks have been non stop go go go and more go. 
Aidan has been invited to attend Franklin Elementarys grade 7 dinner tomorrow night.  He was so excited when he got the email from his past teacher Stacey Sveistrup.  I hope he won't be too exhausted since tomorrow at his school they are going to Jericho beach for the day, then at 3:30 him and Brandan have a dentist appt( I can't reschedule i already moved it 3 times)  then at 5:00 is the dinner till 7:3o .  7:30 to 10 something is a party at one of the kids house but i will pick him up at 9pm because I am sure his body will need a shower and his face will need his pillow

Saturday, June 23, 2012

BCCHF-Annual report photo shoot

Aidan got to take part in a photoshoot for the BCCHF Annual report.  How nice to have someone else other than your MOM take your picture.  We met up with Joanne, and Irvin from the Foundation, Hubert the photographer and other parents and kids that go to the Children's Hospital.  My sister Suzanna came along for the very WET day. It was nice to have met up with Pat and his son Oscar.   The park was out in Richmond, I will have to google it again so I can take the boys out on a sunny day.

Sword Fight

Aidan is such a GREAT big brother!   Hey Brandan "How about I make you a sword and then we can have a sword fight!"

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Last of the Nelarabine

Aidan had Nelarabine for the whole week, he was so happy to be de-accessed on friday. 
Aidan has some video on his IPAD i am still waiting for them.  Everything went relatively well.  Previously when he got this chemo his counts went down so on the following tuesday he went for blood work at our nearbyBiomed clinic.  Karen, Aidan's nurse called the next day to say that his plateletes were down so his chemo for the week was held and that we would wait another week and repeat the blood work. 
It is the week after and we went to the hospital for blood work this week.  Counts are GREAT!  The best they have ever been since the start of all of this.
White blood 4.4
Hemoglobin  114
Platelets  1.25
Neurtraphils 340

Since his counts did go down, Aidans oral chemo is at half of a half of a half tablet for both his metholtrexate and his 6mp.

His next in clinic appt is July 3 for blood work and Vincristine and the dreaded PREDISONE!

Miracle weekend 2012

Images from Miracle Weekend. Aidan and Brandan got to help out at the cheque presentation with Balding for Dollars and the Chinese Canadian Association. Tons of Global news people and a couple of Sedin's.   It was an exhausting but FUN weekend.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Loose Tooth

not too much happening today......4/5 hospital visits done.  Tomorrow is De-Access day. 

Brandan had his last day of sibling group at the hospital, he enjoyed it and will miss not having it to go to. 

Aidan's baby teeth are trying to escape from his mouth so here is the second tooth in a week that is coming out.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


One of Aidan's molar has been loose for awhile.  He would continually tell me how it could move this way and that.  Monday he said that it was only being held by a stringy piece of flesh and that his tongue could slide right underneath it.  He finally decided to just YANK it out.  My biggest fear was all of the bacteria being kicked around in his mouth, he did a really good brushing and mouth rinse.  Now he is telling me two of his other molars are loose.  GREAT!

Aidan has his week of Nelarabine it is suppose to be the last dose of this chemo but all the others are still continuing.  Yup so he is hooked up for the week but his friend Jordan is suppose to make sure nobody bumps into Aidan and his VAD or DAV as he likes to call it.  Aidan gets to the hospital at 3:30 has some Ondansetron(anti nausea Meds)  that cost twelve dollar a piece not covered like the chemo.  It seems kind of silly or should I say stupid since the chemo makes you feel nauseated so you need the Ondansatron.  Aidan takes it every 8 hours.

Okay so the kids actually LIKE going to the hospital.  Aidan gets his chemo that is going to make him better in the end.  The kids get to play loads of video games on every possible gaming device.  The Nurses, Doctors, Social workers, Child lifers, front Oncology crew, Balding for dollars-Suzane and Dan and all of the staff are AWESOME!  Aidan gets to go to Teen Group, Brandan gets to go to Sibling group(which unfortunately is ending soon).   All they need is a swimming pool.  SO the other thing that puts a smile on their faces is Starbucks.  Brandan with his white mocha icy drink and Aidan with gets his tall steamed vanilla milk in a grande cup with extra whip cream and caramel drizzle.  It really puts a smile on Aidan's face when he sees one of the barista's because he doesn't have to say what he wants she just knows.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Late Post-Radiation

This isn't right now, this was actually last September I just forgot to include earlier.  Aidan had radiation to the brain because if the leukemia was to come back that is where it would go so this is to decrease the chance.  It was quite interesting and Aidan wasn't scared.  He was fascinated about it all and the team at the hospital made him feel so comfortable.  He was fitted with a radiotherapy mask it was made of a mesh plastic that is flat, when submersed in hot water it becomes pliable and was fitted onto his face.  The doctors determine where the radiation will be directed and little beads are attached to the mask.  The technicians allowed him to turn the bed and talked about Harry Potter, at the end of his 5 rounds of radiation they gave him a huge Harry Potter Lego set.  Yes he was a HAPPY boy.  That set has a special place in his bedroom.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Good Morning, Good Evening and most of ALL, Good Night.  Our TEAM Aidan has all worked so very hard and it was FULL ON AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Our crew raised $5,828.00 plus Chip Wilson kicked in to match our over $1000.00 donations so that adds on another 4000.00 to our total that all goes to BCCH Oncology/Hemotology dept.   In whole the Childrun brought in over $1,000,000.00 dollars.  I will post pics tomorrow from the Miracle week telethon.  I want to thank our FABULOUS crew, I know I didn't get to spend much time with everybody but I hope you all had a good time I was volunteering down at Miracle Week as a photographer for the BCCHF. 
ANYWAYS I want to thank my big sisters-Diana and Suzanna they are awesome aunties to the boys and two thumbs up in the sister dept.  Jean, Tyson,Jacob,and Isaac who raised a whole heck of a lot of money for Aidan during Shavin for Aidan last year when Aidan attended Franklin Elementary (yes some of that went to the purchase of Lego)  Our dear friend Susan who is the best Christmas cookie baker and our favorite state side traveling companion.  Katie, Landon and Riley our alley way neighbors who are the sweetest people on earth,  Dianne whom i just met through Diana, she helped us with our Garage sale fundraiser and I will have to say she is one FUN gal!!!  Heather, Matthias and Alex from Chief Maquinna where the boys go to school, my fellow mom who has shown me how to beat myself up by starting up badminton and volleyball.  Oh Cousin Rita who is the cutest GIRL I know and was also my bridesmaid when she was 13 we love her so much, thanks Jake for coming out I see that you were competing against Aidan in the bed head dept. CHUNG he has been my friend forever and I know I owe him big time for getting his but up early early to get to the run.  Grampa Dale AKA my father in law is Mr. Athletic and ran up to the run this morning from his place, I hope I can be as fit as him when i get that old.(not that your that old Dale!) Andres has been Aidans' best friend since they were 4 years old. Yes i left it till the end ..... my bestie Gal pal Teena, hub the bub Jeff and the kidlings August and Oliver. She made 107 Lasagnas as her fundraiser for the Childrun CRAZY, CRAZY and more CRAZY. 
Check out this link https://secure.bcchf.ca/SuperheroPages/teamLeaders.cfm?Event=Childrun we are in the top 5, YIPPEEEEEE

Aidan, Brandan, Paul and myself appreciate all of the support. 

Aidan has an everyday at the hospital event this week.  3:30 M-F he is in clinic till about 5:30 he will be having his VAD accessed this week so he isn't very happy but they need to keep it accessed to cut down the risk of infection.  He is getting Chemo called Nelarabine it will be the last time he gets this during his treatment.  I have to take a look at the protocol to see what will be next.  In the mean time he is still on 6MP  every day, Septra on the weekend and Metholtrexate every tuesday. 

Okay seriously I have to log out i am quickly fading.  Good night all

Friday, June 1, 2012


Okay I promise you that I am the mother and Paul IS the father.  
This is what happens when you have a son that is taking ChEMO to keep those nasty LEUKEMIA cells away.  Aidan's hair fell out twice, the first time it grew back like a weird Chia pet.  The second time it took a VERY VERY long time for it to grow back.  Check it out that is curly hair right  out of the shower, Oh and he also has highlights in his hair.  Yes I know People pay to get their hair to look like that.  As you can see Aidan is not fond of me always taking pictures.


BOYS WILL BE BOYS.  BIG OWWWCHEEEZZZZ  Aidan slipped on some loose gravel and took a tumble.  He was out and about with his friends so at the time it probably didn't hurt as much because he was having so much fun with his buddies.  It is scabbing up pretty good, Daddy did a good clean up job for him when he got home.  Of course I was "AHHHH why didn't you call me to pick you up"  Yup I am a MOM

Chief Maquinna BBQ

I know contrary to what my friends and family think ..... I do not have a camera strapped to my face all of the time.  I only had my phoney phone with me which explains the out of focus low res image.  Our school was having a BBQ fundraiser and invited Aidan to take part and sell his buttons for the Childrun.  His FANTASTIC gang of friends came out and helped him.  In total Aidan raised $200 from button donations from the shool to go to the BCCH childrun with all proceeds to going to the Oncology and Hemotology dept.
Diana and I had a BIG Garage Sale Fundraiser for the Childrun.  We had so much fun!!!!!!!!!  I wish my other sister Suzanna could have been there too but she opted to go on  a mini vacation to the states with her boyfriend, that's okay sis you can have fun with us next time.  My crazy neighbors Olivia and Kiki came over and were a HUGE help.  They helped move loads of stuff that we had to bring up from the basement and as you can see they also provided some entertainment.  Just because we like to be confusing, Diana had her friend Dianne help and I had my friend Teena help.  Just to mix it up even more I wore a name tag that said Diana,  
Okay drum roll please........................ we raised a whopping $500 at our Garage Sale which is all being added to our Childrun total.  On top of all of the craziness, my dear special friend Teena made Lasagnas as her fundraiser, she sold 98.  NINETY EIGHT that is is INSANITY.  We are still getting donations coming in, in fact just last night two VERY lovely ladies that live just around the corner from us donated more money because they had heard about Aidan through our Garage sale.  Aidan was also selling buttons and made another $100.00 yes that is a total of $300.00 from button sales