Saturday, September 15, 2012

Grade 8-Templeton High School

Aidan has started High School this year.  He has been biking every day except once only because he had a fall off of his bike from a manhole near the school.  He got a pretty bad gash on his leg but instead of calling me to pick him up he whipped open his first aid kit and fixed himself up.   All of the kids that went to Elementary school with Aidan at Chief Maquinna had gone to Van Tech High.  Aidan was doing Templeton on his own but had a nice surprise to see a bunch of the kids that he went to school with him at Franklin and knew about his Leukemia were in a bunch of his classes.  He said that his favorite classes are Language Arts, Woodworking and Drama/film. 

Aidan said the other day that he was hanging out with a bunch of his friends and then some older kids walked by and said "hey you kids make sure you don't get into drugs"  Aidan had replied and said I take Chemotherapy drugs.   The boy had replied and said that isn't funny and there isn't such a thing.  Before Aidan was diagnosed I thought when people talked about Chemotherapy that it was radiation,  I think kids need to be more aware of Childhood cancers, what the symptoms are and what they have to go through.

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