Tuesday, April 3, 2012


After school today Aidan just wanted to come because he wasn't feeling well.  He tried to take a bit of a nap but ended up throwing up and having diarrhea.  I didn't really want to but I knew it was for the best.  I took his temperature and it was 37.7 at 6:30 an hour later he just felt miserable so he took a shower which did not help.  Temperature time again at 7:30 and it was 38.3  EGADS.  38.5 is the all time panic number for us parents of kids with cancer. I made the call to the BCCH and the Oncology Doc told me to bring him in.   Did the routine of calling my sisters and calling my girlfriend Laura to do a school drop off for Brandan in the morning just in case. I had to pack an overnight bag, pillow and blankie for Aidan because the doctor said there would be a chance he would get admitted.
I looked at the clock and it was 8:30 just like the first time he was diagnosed and the same song was playing on the radio.  As we were walking up to Emerg I said to Aidan think positive everything will be fine.  There were a few kids in the Emergency but we got in quickly (the one benefit of being an Oncology kid)  after he was admitted with the paperwork they sent us down to room 8.  You have got to be KIDDING me it was the same room as last time TOO!  The nurse came in and i lost it and started crying.....OY I kept apologizing to Aidan he just stared at me blankly.  The nurse left and Aidan said " mom what did you say about being positive how embarassing"  They did some blood cultures and they came back normal and his temperature went down to 37.2 he was give some Ondansetron(anti nausea meds) and some antibiotics, everything was given through his line so he would not throw it up.   The Doc gave us the green light to go home and return to the clinic to see Dr. Lucy in the afternoon.  It is midnight right now and we just got home about 10 minutes ago. 
Tonight was a lucky one.  good night zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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